An assessment of registered cutter production statistics.
• Recording of statistical information about cutting plans in the database
• Reports (tables and graphs) for a selected time interval
• Production history report
• Report on number of models, pieces, worker productivity, etc.
• Printouts of reports
The CutStatistic system records statistical data in the database. The data source is the CutNest system, which collects the following information: names of cutting plans and templates, parts list and quantity, cutting time, material area, waste, efficiency, marker image, etc. The CutStatistic application allows you to work with databases and create reports by selected time range, shift, worker, materials, models, etc. The following reports are available: production history, setup details (plan), models/parts, worksheet, worker productivity. All reports can be customized and additional reports can be prepared.
• Online monitoring of production
• Remote access to the database
• Export to Excel or other data formats