The long-term experience and innovative thinking of the company Di Ki Kom delivers an unforgettable, fast and competent customer care and perfect services.
Not only do we provide high-quality precise cutting and tailoring machines for textiles, leather, synthetic leather and other materials, form the brand KURIS, we also provide a highly professional service, team and technical support which are in charge of maintenance and repairing these machines.
The company is always ready and obliged to deliver high quality of service, to help you solve any problems with the machines you encounter every day in the production process.
We work with the goal of supplying our clients and collaborators with technological tools that will improve the workflow and the production efficiency.
1. When a breakdown occurs can you afford to stop the production process, within days, weeks or even months while waiting for a spare part from the supplier or waiting to get the machine repaired? – We are at your disposal with a professional repair service and a warehouse with spare parts.
2. What makes us different from the other companies and why do we deserve you as our future collaborator? – With the goal of creating a close cooperation with you, not only do we perform maintenance for the KURIS machines (for which we are also direct representatives) in the warranty period, we also provide services for these machines which will be at your disposal after the warranty period expires. We offer you spare parts for all brands of machines on the market. We only need the serial number and brand name of the machine to supply you with the adequate spare part.
– Therefore, you can make all the necessary repairs and maintenance of your machines at our service and get back to work as soon as possible.
– We are at your disposal with an unmatched availability of high – quality spare parts, fast and available service and technical support.